I know - it's not really the dead of summer any more. Schools have started again, and those blissfully peaceful summer days when all the families and screaming children seem to have departed for France and Italy (there's always just one weekend when everyone is gone all at once) are over. Still, I'm hanging on to the summer, to the sun, to the lazy days, to perfecting my procrastination skills. And I'm in denial about the approach of a new season. For the last couple of days, as I was biking through the Vondelpark very early in the morning (really early - 07:30!) there was this faint, but distinctive smell of fall in the air. A humidity that's no longer just warm and sweet, but slightly spicy. The scent of decay, of rotting leaves - and yes, speaking of leaves, there are speckles of gold among the summer greens.
Usually I embrace the fall. I love the fall. I love everything about it, and it inspires feelings so much stronger and deeper than any summer day can evoke. But this year, it's all different. I'm not done with summer yet, and summer still has a thing or 2 up its sleeve for me - I can just feel it.

I have 2 more Dutch summer weeks to savour before we head on over to the States for yet another American roadtrip, and when we come back, it will October and it will be very hard to remember summer.
Or will it?
Maybe this year, I can take the promises that the summer of 2009 made me, and transport then straight into autumn and winter. I'm facing some challenges here - but if this summer taught me one thing, it's to be less afraid.