
27 September - Amsterdam

Weer thuis, lichtelijk melancholiek na 3 geweldige weken. Een paar kilo's extra, 660 foto's rijker, en nog niet helemaal klaar voor het gewone leven. Vanaf morgen weer de reguliere programmering.. bedankt voor het meelezen allen,

Back home, slightly melancholy after 3 fabulous weeks. We added a couple of pounds to ourselves, took 660 pictures to remember this trip by. We don't feel quite ready yet to tackle Real Life as it's waiting for us.
Tomorrow, it's back to the regular schedule and foodblogging. Thanks y'all for reading and commenting!

1 comment:

  1. I concur: this was one great experience and I don't want to sell it short by highlighting anything other than the happy glue that made it all stick together - made of receptiveness, love, punch, awe, serendipity, penetration and fun... Thanks, Klary
